Kamis, 28 April 2011

Profil English Teacher

Profil  English Teacher

This English teacher named Nurlaila. She was born in jakarta on 1975 which exactly November 26th, her dad is a betawi man which means he was borwn and grown in Jakarta and her mom comes from west java. She is the second child from six brother and sisters. Her dad worked at a famous insurance company at that time as a driver, her family life are away from glamorious their parents only could sent them only hight school and thats it, she is not to genius either we could say she is in average but she was realy glad and thank full when she could finished her hight school eventhough she cant go to college because she still have younger brother and sister who needs to be educated like she does at least until hight school. So she decided to find a job only with an administration diploma from a cours that she went six month after she graduated from hight school of course with lots of hope she stil could go to college after words. Its been almost 1 year she tried to find a job until her relative offered her a job as a page person in one of a famous hotel at MH.THAMRIN area as a steping stone and her took that job at 1996. On 1997 she got married and my first child was born on 1998. Her company facilitated their employee with courses who wants to develope their carier at that time her took the English class. On 2001 her moved to another department which we could say that my carier has being move into another  one level up as receptionist until present. Probably her family background has encourage her to take the PAUD (education for kids in early age) not to far from she live as a teacher because she love little kids life and world while your empty time because she works in shift and her’s place is in early childhood teaching current gain Melati. Her many ups and downs in English teaching, not easy in teaching young children, her grief is at the moment there are only teaching things that are unexpected, such as want to pee, cry at the moment explain, but there is also love her with a child’s behaviour which makes plain that this  makes she is happy, can laugh at her pupil child’s behaviour.She becomes more and more excited also its an interesting things to learn about little kids and their world so her took a college to becomes a real teacher fir them in a hard for your to split the time between work, teaching, college or learning something in order to become someone whos much better and away much better couldn’t be targeted or has boundaries where we should have stoped because her belive there is no words such “to late” as long as Allah SWT still give us its bless to all of us. Amin....

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

adverb clause

ADVERB CLAUSE               

Adverbs can also  be clauses, containing a subject  and a full verb. This page will explain the basic types of adverb clauses (sometimes called “adverbial clauses) and how to recognize them.
Tyipes of adverb clause. There are many types of adverb clauses. Here are same examples of  the most common types :
Question answered
Wherever there are computers,
there is Microsoft software.
After the fruit is harvested, it is sold at the market.
Why? (What caused this?)
I didn’t call her because I’m shy.
Why? (What was the reason for doing this?)
She took a computer course so that she could get a better job.
Why is this unexpected?
Although Gerry has a Master’s degree, he works as a store clerk.
Under what conditions?
If you save your money, you will be able to go to college.

As you can see from the examples above, most adverb clauses can be recogniozed because they are introduced by a  particular word or phrase (such as “when” , “so that”, etc). These word and phrase are called surbodinating conjunction, and there are many of them.

Conclusion : Adverb clause is about place, time, cause, condition.
I wrote this paper by a website in google